
Outside looking only.
Over the course of an Ironman day the biggest challenges are often not the physical ones.  Most athletes have logged mile upon mile preparing their bodies for the continuous effort it takes to move their body over the distance of...
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What is in a name?
Tom, Rick, Shelly...just names.  But I would guess that as soon as you read those names something popped into your head.  An image of someone you know.  Maybe it is a good image...maybe it was a person who bullied you...
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Signing up for the big race
We have all done it.  For some reason we feel drawn to do it.  Maybe we see others do it and think "I can do that too" or perhaps it just intrigues us down in our core.   When I was...
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Top 3 Must-Dos While at Ironman Wisconsin
Traveling to dozens of Ironman events annually isn’t always as glamorous as most athletes would believe.  However, there are some fun times and every once in a while, you find some hidden gems such as Crack Fries.  Sometimes it is...
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