
Maybe, like myself, you are a grey beard in the sport of triathlon and you often get asked about what to put in your Ironman Special Needs Bags (SNBs). Perhaps, like myself, you get sucked into threads about SNBs in...
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“First ask yourself: ‘what is the worst that can happen?’ Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst.” – Dale Carnegie
When I read that quote it made me think about race day planning for Ironman, especially Special Needs Bags (SNBs). They are, after all, called “special needs” not “regularly planned items” bags. With that in mind, how do we best utilize them for race day?

Good Enough, Isn’t! Today’s society has most of us living in a busy (if not frenetic) cycle of life where family, job, household responsibilities, social media, friends…seem to pull at us and eat away at our 24 hours. Being an...
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While we have decades of experience in triathlon, cycling, running…we are by no means the authoritative voice. Certainly some of the things we offer up here will be seen as silly, foolish and maybe even a waste of time by some seasoned athletes or perhaps too complex or unnecessary for beginners. Just keep in mind, advice is typically worth what you pay for it.
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